Teaching Methodology

CCRC has adopted modern teaching and learning methodology with the use of state-of-art equipment by the qualified and experienced faculty members. This approach is amalgamation of learning to maximize students’ potentiality. This ensures that the students will clearly and effectively learn. The achievements made by students are therefore reflected not only in the course of assessments and examinations, but also in their performance in future career.

Some of the instructional approaches include the following:


Lectures and Tutorials

A series of lectures and tutorials with abundant explanations, illustrations and demonstrations accompanying teacher-students interactions are the regular process through which the students can comfortably cover up the whole course of every prescribed subject in time.


Participatory Approaches

Students are encouraged to actively participate in group discussions, group works, field visits and presentations in order to remove their hesitations, inhibitions and shyness and to encourage their capacity to explore strengths, come forward with solutions and articulated statements.



One of the objectives of CCRC is to carry out multidisciplinary and result oriented research encompassing science and technology, educational development, socio-economy, environment, infrastructure, sustainable resource management, human resources and other development issues. CCRC students get involved in appropriate workshops/ seminars whereby they are provided research methodology classes so that it helps them ultimately build up professional careers upon graduation further down the road.


Appreciative Inquiry Approach

CCRC is the first college in Nepal to introduce Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach in its learning and teaching process. AI approach helps students think positively, act positively, and behave positively. It always puts emphasis on one’s strengths, success, achievements, possibilities, and hopes. This approach has been very helpful in learning process. Students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge throughout the year and their learning is enhanced with this approach. Our goal to gain such a height has been possible with the significant contribution of AI approach.

Prof. David Cooperrider, the founding father of AI philosophy, provides substantial support to practice AI inside CCRC. Many interns and volunteers from USA and other countries join CCRC to study AI in the education and management system of CCRC.